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Is your back against the wall?
Don’t despair! This too shall pass.
Overcoming When Your Back Is Against The Wall
We’ve all been there. Fear, anxiety, panic and continuous thoughts of “What am I going to do?” consume our days.
If you haven’t been there, just wait a while as unfortunately you will get there one day.
It’s part and parcel of life. Jesus said, “In this life you will have trouble but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world.” (John 16:33)

A Reason For The Season?
It’s true that there’s a season for everything.
There was a period some years ago in my life when it seemed that it was just one thing after another.
A lot of drama and palpitations left me longing for a forever boring, nothing-going-on season.

Looking back I shudder at what I went through. It’s a good job I knew who I was though, i.e. a champion in life.
Things eventually settled but then some years later I had another challenging season.
Seriously all that was missing were the cameras for my own personal reality show.

Whatever you’re facing, stay calm and make sure you get informed. Know your rights and don’t ever give in to fear!
Got To Have Faith
There’s a saying: Fear knocked at the door. Faith answered. No one was there.
You know why? Because fear is simply a counterfeit of faith.
God requires faith for all His promises to come to pass in our lives. On the other hand fear will also produce all the things we imagine will go wrong.

Choose wisely!
One of my favourite Bible passages is Philippians 4:6 where we are told not to have anxiety about anything. Rather, with “prayer and petition and thanksgiving, make our requests known to God”.
Granted, this seems very difficult.
However, if we do this, then we are promised that the “peace of God which passes all understanding will keep our hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.”

Here’s What To Do When Your Back Is Against The Wall
Besides everything you know to do for yourself, go to God and say, “I’m not worrying about this but I’m giving it over to You.
It is now Your problem to solve and not mine. Thank You for the solution and victory in this matter in Jesus’ Name”.
Whenever you find yourself fretting again, go back and repeat those words, or words to that effect.
Do this as many times as necessary. Be consistent and persistent.
Say it with conviction and dogged determination.

Refuse to worry about anything.
It definitely won’t help or make any difference to the situation, and will only make you feel worse.
Your Answer Will Come – A Personal Experience
When my cat went missing a few years ago, I became quite distressed as to what could have happened to her. She was already ill.
I put out a lot of flyers and did a lot of asking around. I even had posters up on my front window and on my car window.
Every night I would pray to God as I went to bed, confirming that He knew where she was and was bringing her home soon.
No, it wasn’t easy. I would go to sleep and dream that she was back, only to wake up and find that she was not.
Long story short, after a number of very long days, I discovered that someone had found my cat in a drain and called the RSPCA.
This kind soul had seen my poster on my house window and let me know that my cat had been taken to the vet’s.
Don’t Give Up When Your Back Is Against The Wall
It was a bitter-sweet ending. Although I found her and did bring her back home, she had already been put down by the vet. I was told that she had been too ill and was not responding to treatment.
I had her with me for one last night before taking her to a burial place for beloved pets.
Although it was a very sad ending to this season, my prayers to have her found and brought home had been answered.

This was actually the second occasion I had prayed for her safe return after she had gone missing. The first time she had been taken by a neighbour – but that’s another story.
So my point is, don’t give up. The answer may not come exactly how you want it to but it will always be for the best, because God is on your side.
Stop Worrying! Literally Just Stop.
The battle belongs to the Lord. Put on some victory music. Get up and dance. Give your energy to the desired solution. Celebrate!

Whatever you may be facing today, whether it’s a lost pet, a law suit, a financial problem or anything else, decide today that it will all work out for your good.
Walls Come Tumbling Down
As you pass through the storm, wind and rain, know that you are just passing through. There is light at the end of the tunnel.
Remember there is always truth in cliches!
Consider David and Goliath. Tell that problem it is no match for the Name above all names.

You are a champion so keep walking in your victory.
That wall must crumble!
By faith the walls of Jericho fell, after the army had marched around them for seven days. (Hebrews 11:30)